Showing posts with label Corona virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corona virus. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Importance of self-care during lockdown

The COVID-19 epidemic is nothing we are used to dealing with. There is so much fear, uncertainty, stress and more from the rolling lockdown, social distancing, working from home, losing a job, a failing economy that we are all going through.
In times like these, self-care is most important. Self-care can be defined as any activity that we do intentionally to take care of our mental, emotional and physical health. Self-care helps reduce stress, anxiety and illnesses, as well as helps in building better relationships with us and those around us.

      Ideas on starting your own self-care routine    

      The first thing is that everyone's self-care process and routine is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all option that you can blindly follow. Explore as many options as possible and then follow what feels good to you. What you can keep in mind is:

  • Self-care is an active option. You need to make time for this in your schedule and let others know about it if it makes it more real. Pay attention to what you do, why you do it and how it makes you feel.
  •  Try to follow a healthy, balanced diet.
  •  Do things that help you get enough sleep. You need at least 7-8 hours of good, quality sleep each night.
  •  Try to follow a healthy, balanced diet.
  •  Take care of your health, go for regular check-ups, do not self-medicate and ignore the signs that your body sends you.
  •  Learn to relax, meditate, try some relaxation exercises anytime that you find too stressful.
  •  Connect or reconnect with your loved ones, enjoy spending time with them.
  •  Do something every day that relaxes you and improves your mood. This can be anything from gardening to walking, cooking, playing with your pets. Spend at least 30 minutes doing this.
  •  Look for opportunities to laugh, the best way is to arrange a call and talk with your friends and family. 
  •  Stress-eat or not eat when you are emotional.
  •  Start a magazine to keep track of your achievements and happiness.
  •  Read or watch something that inspires or excites you.
  •  Try your best to help our struggling community. Contribute time, money, or resources to those suffering around you.
  •  Do something creative, draw, write, paint, play an instrument.
  •  Take a long bath, this will help you relax, and give me some time.
  •  Make your place more your own. Get rid of junk and do not hoard. Surround yourself with things that make you happy and keep you relaxed. Clutter is not well, so do regular cleaning.
  •  From using face packs to body scrubs or massaging your nails, indulge in self-care. Do something that makes you happy and that helps you look and feel better.
  •  This lockdown can mean a lot of things to us, but focus on how we can make the best use of this time. It is important to be happy and stay healthy, so if you never believe in self-care, this is the time to start.

Friday, April 24, 2020

How to protected our society from corona virus (COVID-19)

What is a corona virus or COVID-19? 

Corona virus is a new virus, an unknown disease until its outbreak began in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Corona virus (COVID-19) is 7actually a major virus in which disease can occur to animals or humans, these viruses will spread from person to person. COVID-19 is mainly done through manufactured drops, while the inflamed person coughs, sneezes and speaks. Those droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, they quickly fall to surfaces and floors. Many systemic diseases in humans result from cold and respiratory infections in more extreme cases, including Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MMERS) and Serious Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

COVID-19 or Corona virus symptoms are:

The first and most frequent symptoms are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. In most cases pain and aches, runny nose, difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, sore throat and others will be infected, but no changes or symptoms develop and do not feel as if they are ill. People who have reached the age of 60 and who have underlying medical issues such as heart problems, diabetes, and high BP are more likely to develop COVID-19 with severe illness.

Are we at risk of COVID-19:

Most people are at risk of catching COVID-19, with diseases spreading too many new places around the world. Governments and health authorities are taking various actions to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Disease Control and Prevention "show evidence that the virus is mostly spread by large, often noticeable drops when someone coughs or sneezes." It recommends protecting ourselves from washing our hands, covering our sneezing and coughing, while maintaining social security. "This shows that all types of buildings are very effective in spreading the disease." With more reported cases of corona virus in India and around the world, it is understandable that people in residential apartment buildings are concerned about protecting themselves from COVID-19. To keep tenants and workers more secure, residential societies should take measures to reduce the spread risk. However, the situation is unpredictable.

Security measures to keep our society safe:

There are some precautions we can take to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 among us.
Washing our hands repeatedly and before entering our home, with alcohol-based hand sanitizers or with soap kills viruses that may be on our hands. In your apartment, regularly clean high transport places in normal locations and they should be repeated several times a day. Apartment management and owners are also instructed on places to clean parking lots, elevators, lobbies and corridors, front desks, common restrooms, children's playrooms, lifts, door handles, swimming pools, gyms, health clubs, and delivery areas needed. Items must be picked up and not brought to the apartment in the lobby.

We have to maintain a distance of at least 3 feet from one person to another when a person coughs or sneezes. This helps us avoid spraying small liquid droplets from our mouth and nose which will contain a virus. If we stay too close, we can also breathe in droplets while sneezing, including the COVID-19 virus when a person who coughs or sneezes has the disease.

Avoid often going out for medical necessities such as supermarkets, congested areas, food markets and shopping malls for our daily needs, try using open shops near your society.

Avoid using lifts, COVID-19 virus can remain on copper for 4 hours, surface, doors and plastics for 24 hours and on steel it will remain for 72hours. The best example that has been used in some residential apartments:

In some residential properties in China, toothpicks have already been added to elevators so that people can work with them. Ear buds may be another option.

Some nets were also instructed on how to use ball styling to press the raise button. After pressing the key, the pen will be covered with its cap.

Meanwhile, AI-powered lifts have been spotted online to allow people to send voice commands instead of push lift keys by a Beijing-based company that is developing an artificial intelligence-enabled lift. Wear a mask when suffering from symptoms of COVID-19 or in particular coughing, not caring for those infected with COVID-19. Face masks can be used only once and immediately after applying them in a closed mask.

Apartments often have to be cleaned, if the surfaces of the house are cleaned regularly, all experts suggest that it is first with a cleaner and second with a disinfectant. Please take extra precautions if you have roommates. You can also implement sanitary systems in your apartment, sanitizers in a building such as a building entrance, gym, common area and mailbox, please allow tenants, workers, elevators and guests to use it daily or when it is required. Outside of all garbage cans and plastic garbage cans, dry / wet garbage cans in the lobby should be fastened with one day, no need or need in society to remove tissue removed from the ground.

Avoid sharing things with others, no household items such as cups, blankets, or even bedding are included, we should avoid exchanges, we must ensure that once after use Wash these things thoroughly. If we want to share anything with our apartment's neighbors, try to avoid or wash them before use, while the virus stays on the plastic for 24 hours.

Security checks at the entrance of residential apartments, when all workers and workers know that their jobs are safe and they should stay home if they are ill, society officials must provide favorable instructions for all workers. Sick workers can only transmit resident pathogens. Ask the society management to ensure that all employees follow the same policy. Residents and visitors should be advised to warn property managers when entering society, especially if they believe they have contracted corona virus. It helps other tenants and workers to be vigilant and take proper care.

In the event that residents and visitors feel they have contracted corona viruses, especially if they were using common areas, proper maintenance of the property will also have to be encouraged. It helps every tenant including workers to be aware and take proper care.

We have to avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth. We may touch the floors or other surfaces of others, which may contain viruses. The contaminated virus can transfer the virus to your mouth, nose and eyes, this virus can enter our body and make us sick. We must ensure that all people living in your society / apartment follow good respiratory hygiene. You can protect yourself and others by following the hygiene rules in your apartment COVID-19.

If we are ill at home and want medical awareness and call in advance, follow the instructions of our local health authority. Not to drive, swimming pools must be closed, using cab lifts or common spaces, lifts and play areas. Now we sit at home and relax, further we soon recover, not only to harm you and others. If possible, use nutritious food and personal products. It will protect itself and prevent the spread of viruses and other infections inside our apartment.

Avoid traveling to such places, especially if you are over 55 years old or have diabetes, heart or lung disease. These people would be more likely to catch COVID-19.

If someone has visited recently, where COVID-19 is spreading. If you start feeling unwell even with mild symptoms, isolate yourself by staying at home.

Can our pets be infected with COVID-19: We know that patients with COVID-19 are infected with the disease, including animals and cats? Some pets may become infected by close contact with infected humans. Further research is needed to determine how the virus can be transmitted by cattle and plants. It is still too early to know whether cats can be included in the broadcast of COVID-19.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Corona virus Precautions: How to Protect Your House

Basic hygiene is all that is required to keep your house virus free. Corona virus is not air borne but coming into contact with an infected person can affect you and your family. Make sure you follow these simple tips to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your houses.

What is Corona virus or COVID-19?

To date, 2418592 people have been affected by corona virus (COVID-19) globally. While these are confirmed cases, many are unconfirmed and fear is lurid. If you are looking to protect your family from this disease, then here are some simple remedies that you should follow.

COVID-19 novel ways to prevent corona virus:

Sanitise your house

Deep cleaning of your property every week will limit the amount of germs in the entire house. This is not a costly affair. The house is easy to disinfecting yourself. For example, lemons, baking soda and vinegar can kill germs in the kitchen. It is also safe to use kitchen based products for kitchen cleaning. Use the mixture to clean all counters.

Baking soda can also be sprinkled on the upholstery. You just need to wait for at least half an hour for this. This may be better than chemical spraying. You can use the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) method to deal with pollution and germs in your home. Make a mixture of equal parts water and vodka with a few drops of essential oil. It will serve as a disinfectant as well as deodorizer.

Likewise, essential oils can be used to clean shower curtains, toilet rims, and damp locations. You can scrub these later. Avoid keeping the areas wet, as this is a good environment for germs to thrive. In the bedroom, make sure all linen is thoroughly rinsed in warm water and liquid disinfectant. It is advised that you change bed sheets regularly every week.

Kids room

Children can bring in dirt and germs. When you can't restrict their movement and play all the time, make sure that their room is clean at all times. If your child is using toys, make sure that you appreciate these toys. You can check the washing instructions, to ensure that the soft toys remain in shape even after washing them at home. Other toys can be washed frequently.

Surface cleaning

Ensure that all surfaces - shelves, tables, chairs, racks, switches, decorative artifacts and showpieces - are cleaned at least once a week. If there are sick people at home, then clean up all the places they may have touched. Corona virus is spread by contact with an infected person and while it is not air borne, it is transmitted through body fluids.

Corona virus infection: things that need attention

  • Keep shoes and sandals that you wear outside the house, preferably outside the house, especially if there are small children in the house who can pick them up with their hands. Do not hesitate to ask visitors to take off their shoes when they arrive.
  • Make sure your clothes are washed every day. If germs appear on your clothes, it is advisable not to wear them again until they are washed.
  • Use separate towels at home.
  • Educate your domestic help, driver and other employees about corona virus disease and provide masks and sanitizers to help them. In this way you are ensuring their safety, as well as yours.
  • Avoid exposure to animals and slaughterhouses as corona virus can spread from animals to people.

Corona virus Precaution: Quick Tips

  • Take a shower as soon as you come back from office / college / school.
  • Avoid touching or using cups, tissues, plates, digital devices used by anyone else.
  • Keep a hand sanitizer in hand and provide one of your home help.
  • Avoid using public washrooms.
  • Check with your child's school about those remedies.
  • Avoid large gatherings as much as possible.
  • Drink plenty of hot liquids.
  • Avoid traveling.
  • Choose to stay home when you are sick.
  • Use masks when going out of the house and into crowded places.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

How to deal with the Symptoms of corona virus infection (COVID-19)

The current outbreak of the new 2019 Novel Corona virus (2019 n-Cov) has caught many major countries around the world. China, its country of origin, South Korea, Italy and Iran are some of the heavily affected areas.

Panic spread in India after 15 Italian tourists and their Indian driver were infected. You can find the current affairs number on the Government of India website. The government is taking preventive measures like universal screening of passengers at airports to keep the spread under control. Several laboratories are expected to open for testing and research on n-Cov.

Amidst all this, many health care experts are releasing updates to keep the public informed and prepared. Corona virus information is floating everywhere, and it is up to people to read and take precautionary measures to protect themselves from the virus.
In this blog, we take a deep dive to learn about COVID-19, corrected by its symptoms, how it is transmitted, and not to do some hard work to prevent.

Are you infected with corona virus?

The 2019 n-COV belongs to a large family of corona viruses, which cause serious illnesses ranging from the common cold to the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-Cov) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-Cov). And the worst thing about this new virus is that it has no specific symptoms.

Mild health problems - such as cough, sneezing, fever, and difficulty breathing are some symptoms of infection. In some cases however, there may be no symptoms. An infected virus can be a carrier, infecting many others in the process, without itself being infected.  Alternatively, infected pneumonia can develop severe cases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, even death.

So if you are dealing with a cough and a cold this season, the only way to know if you are infected with corona virus is to consult a health care professional. As of now, there is no standard, direct test for the 2019 N-Cove. But, the virus can be detected by running a series of tests.

How is COVID-19 Transmitted?

Researchers have not yet been able to uncover the exact dynamics of virus transmission. However, there are some channels through which this happens
  • Through drops made after an infected person coughs or sneezes.
  • Consumption of animal products virus.
  • Contact infected animal/
  • Through public places, especially during public transport, meetings, gatherings etc.

What you have to Do and Don’t to protect yourself from 2019 n-Cov?

Here are some ways to protect yourself from an epidemic:

Maintain cleanliness

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Scrub carefully between fingers and nails. Use hand washes, sanitizers and alcohol sterilizers to clean your hands and do not touch your nose or mouth otherwise.

Keep a safe distance from sick people

Avoid direct physical contact with sick people, especially those with flu, cold, cough or respiratory problems.

Cover your mouth

When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with a mask, cloth or tissue paper. Also, if you are ill, use a medical mask. To sterilize the mask or cloth, heat it.

Heat your food well

Consumption of infected animal products can cause virus infection. The virus cannot survive at high temperatures. Thus, you should heat your food properly before consuming it.

Seek medical care

There is always initial medical care from the health care profession, even in cases of common, mild symptoms such as cough, sneezing, fever, or difficulty breathing. Self preventive care is helpful in these cases.

A list of things you should avoid:

Touching your face

The virus enters our body through the nose and mouth. If you have touched an infected area, especially in public places, your hands may be infected. Thus, avoid touching your face before washing them properly.

Direct contact with animals

Avoid unnecessary, direct contact with animals. The virus can be transmitted from animals to humans. Therefore, if you have pets, you need to take care of hygiene properly.

Do not travel when you are sick

Make sure you are healthy before the trip. If you are not, seek medical attention immediately. Avoid going to public places, buses and sharing taxis when fever, cough, sneezing.

Do not take medicines without a prescription

Eating common antibiotics does not help with 2019 n-Cov infection. If you are feeling unwell, you should only take medicines prescribed by a health care professional.

As always, prevention is better than cure. And keeping the above suggestions in mind, you and those close to you can protect against corona virus infection. Stay healthy, and take care!


Friday, April 17, 2020

Why real estate should be good to investment in this lockdown

Fight continues in the world due to the outbreak of COVID-19. To further maintain the risk from snowballing, the Indian government has indicated to fully affect the lockdown. As a result, nowadays, most of us are working from home. Outside life has come to a grinding halt. No matter how uncomfortable it sounds, it is probably the only way to prevent perennial corona viruses from spreading further.

Although our daily routines have been affected, this does not mean that people should lock themselves inside their homes, stop all their plans and only watch worrying news on TV about this threat. These are some of the best times when one can spend time with family, do various hobbies and introspection. The current situation is an ideal time to think about investing in sources of passive income. Eventually, some of the best opportunities emerge from a crisis.

Zoning on various options can be seen in various options like term plans, stock market and real estate. While every investment option has its pros and cons, as of now, when the stock market is recessionary and the banking sector is in a tailspin, real estate can be a great asset to place bets on. If anyone wants to do it risk-free yet, makes a commendable return, with many residential and commercial real estate options available.

Full of attractive offers: Recognizing this opportunity, developers are coming up with many attractive offers. Property prices have already corrected in the last few quarters. After COVID, many developers are offering further discounts and attractive offers to maintain their financial books. There are projects where one now needs to pay 5% to book a property. The remaining payments will start after 60 days. By that time, it is expected that the crisis will mostly end.

However, such plans are a fleeting event that developers are launching to boost sentiment. Prices have already come down and once the situation returns to normal, such attractive schemes will also be lost. Therefore, this may be the best time to buy real estate. It should not be surprising if one gets ready-to-use assets for a price equal to a new launch.

Higher yields: Real estate can offer risk-thrilling competitive returns. Although residential real estate has been stable in recent years, commercial real estate has been issuing attractive returns. A commercial property in a prime location can easily give an average annual appreciation of around 7-10%. At a time when share prices and financial markets are volatile, such a comeback can be a game-changer.

Concurrent Rental Income: Real estate can provide continuous income in the form of monthly rent. The rental component always makes real estate a very unique proposition for investing. A quality commercial property can provide returns of around 5-8%. Similarly, residential projects can give returns of around 2-3%. Therefore, this is the right time to capitalize on those possibilities.

Increased liquidity: This is a good time to invest in real estate because home loan is going to be cheaper. RBI has recently cut the repo rate by 75 basis points. The rate drop is a welcome move for the industry. In a short period of time, as a calibrated response to the reduction in repo rates, most banks will also reduce their home loan rates.

Feasible Hard Asset: The biggest advantage of real estate is that it is a tangible asset. At a time when there is too much risk investing in paper money, real estate is a safer and safer asset for betting.
Real estate is a separate asset class that can ensure appreciable ROI, hedge against income and provide recurring income in the form of rental yields. However, it has its drawbacks, as a real estate asset will take at least 2-3 months. Nevertheless, investment in real estate is always made keeping in mind the medium to long term perspective. A short-term perspective can be counter intuitive.

So in these times of social distinction, do not just shut yourself down. Use isolation downtime, do some in-depth research, learn about the various sources of passive income and make the most of this time to make meaningful investments.



Saturday, April 11, 2020

Corona virus outbreak 2020 - affects real estate growth in India?

Today, at the endemic of this severe corona virus, experts are busy calculating abnormal human loss worldwide. People are suffering or out of home due to the outbreak of this virus. In the meantime, the effect of the unexpected opposition to this deadly virus spreading on the global economy has been agreed.

Considering COVID - 19, the estimated loss to GDP in the world so far has been assumed to be 0.2 percent. For the grace of God, the effect is by no means limited in India. But in this scenario, it is clear that the Indian economy, which has already seen a 4.5% lower growth in the July - September quarter, will probably not remain uninhabitable due to the worldwide economic slowdown. And, the realty industry of the Indian residential market is telling a different story altogether.

COVID - 19 affects the property market in India

If the data collected from is analyzed together, it is clearly visible the fall of 9 important residential markets of India by 30 percent during the time span of October to December last year. It is deteriorating for the fifth consecutive time of Q3 financial year 2019.

The trend is also the same for the launch of new projects. Since the third quarter of the last financial year, the task of starting new projects has been facing a continuous decline in the mega markets. This caused an annual decline of 44% in the October to December time period.

Despite all the government-issued schemes, including the lowest interest rate on home loans and the maximum tax exemption on purchasing any residential property in India for the first time in the history of real estate, all efforts failed to revive property demands among homebuyers are in India. He still chose to remain unaffected by all the tricks played by the stakeholders to force him to go out of his fence. For example, the government took an action to limit GST to 1% for affordable flats, which also went into the vein.

Usually, the craze of buying and selling property in India increases during the festivals of October to December, which did not happen even in 2019. And now in early 2020, there has been an outbreak of the corona virus. And, it has also probably brought the worst times in the residential property market in India. 1705732 Corona positive cases reported globally as of April 10, 2020. And, it is only growing and causing more fear around the world.

The rate of property visits has fallen surprisingly

Well, impressed by the government's plans, given how interested some consumers were in searching for property on the Internet, the Corona virus outbreak just seized them again from doing any such thing. To date, on April 10, 2020, India has reported 7600 corona positive cases. The activation of social media and news channels has succeeded in making people truly aware of COVID - 19 and everyone tries 'Stay Home Stay Safe'. People are really creating social distance by listening to the words of PM Modi. Currently, India is on a 21-day long social lockout to stop the spread of pollution. So, in such a scenario, nobody is dreaming for a site coming to buy a property in India.

Plans for project delays !!

Indian real estate is largely dependent on China, which is the source for COVID - 19 outbreaks. India needs support in matters of sourcing home furnishing essentials, construction materials, plastic to steel to electronic materials and construction equipment from China. Now, India needs to look for alternative sources as China is busy controlling the epidemic of viruses. It will shoot project delays to make sure.